Sunday, 3 May 2020

World Peace Song 24

World Peace Poem 24

Environments Play a Great Role in Man 's Life 

we should always keep in mind that according to the providence of nature , man can enjoy his life to a certain extent . He cannot enjoy life always as he wishes . Success has to come from many sources and from many angles , because man is encompassed by several environmental conditions . For his every wish there are four dimentions . They are: judgement of need , quantity , quality and time . All the four cannot be fulfilled in every wish . There are more possibilities for obstruction , delay and failure than success , due to the environmental conditions . Health , mind , financial facilities . relatives , society , the world and the universe all have to be congenial to the success of his wish . So , out of will or contrary to expectatioris , many things may happen . Knowing all these facts we should be keeping our minds expanded and fiexible to accopt all the results which are coming to us beyond our knowledge ard wishes . The circumstances mentioned above will always be changing . Therefore we should not be rigid in our wishes with strorg mental conditioning In fact , man is moved by circumstances but until he realises the strength of the circumstances , he thinks he is moving only by his will. It is imagination due to his forgetfulness of the power of Nature.

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