Monday, 20 January 2020

World Peace Poem : 2

*_Short-Sighted Concept_*

  Some people, say that if all people of the world follow only one religion, one language and adopt a common pattern of clothing, peace will prevail in the world. This is a wrong concept. It is evident that conflicts and wars are arising between people of the same religion. In one family there are conflicts and fights between brothers who belong to the same religion, speak the same language and dress alike.

  Some people say that only money brings all the troubles in the society, so if the whole world returns to the old barter system in the business and exchange between people and countries we can have peace in life. It is impossible for the present time to do away with money exchange commodities because the articles and facilities for life have increased enormously and the whole world is linked together in the economic field because of the scientific and technological growth, quick communication and transport.

  Some people say that if man renounces his desires, peace will prevail in the world. This is also an imaginary concept. Desire is the proof of living. Natural needs arise for everyone when the life-force is functioning in the physical body; how can renounce the desire to eat when he feels hunger? This ‘desireless life’ is a conditioning of the mind which came only from reading some books but is not possible in practical implementation. Again, some say that if people practice control of the five senses and realise the Truth, peace will ensue. Only the one who achieves self-realisation will enjoy peace; what about others? Even the one who achieves realisation will not get full peace until he gets perfection. How can he be able to lead a peaceful life in the interim period?

To be continued……

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