Friday, 17 January 2020




World peace is the ultimate goal of man, so as to lead a harmonious and satisfactory life by which one and all could enjoy the happiness of life provided by Nature. Thinkers, philosophers and founders of religions uncovered the problems, pains and miseries of life of man and thought over the difficulties so as to find a solution by bringing peace in the society of mankind. So far, from time immemorial, thousands of thinkers have decided considerable time in their lives, with real love and sincerity for mankind. It is puzzling that so far no one could find a satisfactory solution, even though some methods of approach have resulted in temporary peace for a few people from time to time. Even such plans and methods of solution which brought temporary peace later on became the root for a multitude of widespread disturbances in the human society. Why were such sincere efforts and services of great thinkers unsuccessful? Let us think deeply with a total perspective view.
1. Man came into existence from the hereditary links of numerous species from one to five senses in the evolutionary process. The imprints of the activities and behaviours of all the animals are the capital for manas his hereditary character. Linking ll the aspects are given below.
2. Man began to enjoy his life after giving artificial shapes and artistical beauty to natural resources. this brought cultural values and education in various levels according to the places and ecological situations.
3. Man began living in small groups or colonies when the population was sparse on Earth. So the  opportunity for communication  was lacking.
4. According to the cultural values and educational facilities Man is ever expanding his knowledge. Oppurtunities for expansion and development of knowledge are not alike for all people. So the differences between men in wealth and efficiency increased.  Which brought inequalities among people and kept them in various levels. Such inequalities are developing more and more in the world community day by day in the fast development of sciences .
5. Among all living beigs on earth man is provided with a sixth sense which has the potential to develop itself from fraction to totality. Everything in nature is a part of the universe. Nature in its evolution has become various phenomena. Mainly we can analyse these into six.: 1) the primordial state or Static State; 2) Physical appearances by the system: the spreading wave generated by the energy particle by its speedy whirling motion penetrates into the Static State and becomes magnetism comprising two forces: attraction and repulsion, according to the degree of pressure of the waves. 
The magnetic waves of the energy particle and its association clash with others and become converted into pressure, sound, light, smell and taste. This magnetic wave becomes a unified field, an unseen force uniting all the parts of the universe together and providing all potentials to everything beyond volumes, force, time and distance. This universal magnetic field is called by some philosophers as ‘Cosmic Consciousness’. This links fractional consciousness and Total Consciousness and makes imprints and reflections of every clash or action which condition the Law of Cause and Effect. Nothing in the universe is independent without a penetrative link of this universal magnetic wave in its existence, functions and results. In fact the universal magnetism is a formless phenomenon, but it only takes the shapes of pressure of clash in the fields of atomic groups. 5) Living beings from one-sense plant life to five-sense animals; 6) Man – with a sixth sense to know all the secrets of the evolutionary process of Nature and enjoy life to the fullest extent of happiness with a total perspective vision. Everybody started life as a child living only with five senses. The sixth sense has to develop to the required level through the help of elders who have had experiences in life and developed their knowledge. The opportunity for such development is not equally available for all people from childhood. Thus everyone gets stagnated in growth at a certain level.

6) When there is opportunity for the sixth sense to develop to the perfection without obstruction or diversion, then only man’s mind is streamlined to work in order and unison with the purpose of his birth. When there is no suitable opportunity for knowledge to progress, its force of development is expended only on increasing material possessions, sensual enjoyments, fame and power of administration. Such diversions give rise to greed and further develop into other emotional moods such as anger, miserliness, immoral sexual passion, vanity and vengeance. So in their desires, efforts, actions, and results most people become anti-social elements to disturb the society at large.

7)  By forgetfulness of the fact that man is a part of Nature everybody has developed self-pride: ego. Ego comprises two main psychic moods: aggression and possessiveness. Aggression is the mood of endlessly developing greed for power. Possessiveness is a mood of unsatiable acquisitiveness and avarice to grab and possess more and more material wealth. Nobody can control and satisfy anybody in his desires or establish friendship and peace permanently in wealth or economic liberalisation, man will not become permanently obedient or peaceful. Only realisation of Truth by enlightenment of Consciousness will relieve man from the slavery of ego and its by-products of temperamental moods.

Having pondered all these points one has to consider words peace. In the past, circumstances were not congenial to successfully plan for world peace. So the responsibility of successful planning fallen to the intellectuals of the present. Let us proceed.

Tomorrow will continue with poem – 2……

Be Blessed by the Divine.

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