Friday, 14 February 2020

Works peace poem 9 : Born to Live


    We were not born  our own will. We were brought into the world by the evolutionary force of Nature.

    In the human body and life, three functional forces are working concurrently. Among these the central nervous system and autonomous nervous system are well-known and objectively evident. The third, the Universal Wave System, is subjective and immanently working throughout Nature.

    After birth the central nervous system begins working. Before birth, in the monther’s womb, the autonomous system precisely developed the body up from the chromosomes. The universal wave system supplied all the power to synthesize the materials to construct the body from the chromosomes; prior to that the same universal wave system also made all the imprints in the chromosomes as per the structure and character of the parents.

    During our lives we use our limbs and senses at out will. Our birth is beyond our will, but precisely ordained according to the imprints of karmas of previous generations. So we could not plan our lives at will, as to how and when to appear, live and enjoy the world. In the flood of Nature we all were born and forced to live. Nevertheless, we all have to live! Everybody has the birthright to live and enjoy the world as long as he does so in parity with his fellows. Among many good things which happened in the world, several disturbing things also   happened without check and out of control. Now we cannot and need not blame anybody. Let the present generation, the world community as a whole, join together. We will chalk out a full perspective Master Plan for the world to save it from disaster and hand it over safely to the coming generations, as a humanitarian service.

*Poem No.10 will continue…….*

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