Tuesday, 10 March 2020

World Peace Poem :16 Best use of force and knowledge



     Rain pours sufficiently in season and the flood of water may be forceful. We build dams and store the water and use it properly for irrigation and other facilities of life. By such planned action we are able to control the flood to a great extent to benefit people and agricultural lands. Yet, like a flood, the physical and mental forces of mankind are flowing in chaos without control or streamlining. The results are disturbances, problems, pains and miseries. We have to build a reservoir to store the valuable labour forces and intellectual forces of mankind so as not to go waste or astray. Also we have to channel them by proper planning to streamline the forces in creative ways. Then only the fields or religion, health, economics, politics and science will do good to the people, maintaining their serenity and purpose.

     Clear knowledge about the energy particle. “AKASH”, is science. If we understand energy particle and its phenomenal activities clearly, we can realise about the two inherent forces in the energy particle (i.e) attraction and repulsion. Because of the association of the energy particles, various masses and the magnetism in the masses gets developed. That magnetism only gets transformed as Pressure, Sound, Light, Taste, and Smell. According to their ratio of combination, all the actions, shapes, masses, living etc., do result in.

Poem No.17 will continue…….

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