Wednesday, 18 March 2020



    To make successful research and plan on the noble subject of World Peace, we must know how man’s values and characters are formed. What are the differences between men and can we bridge them for bringing universal brotherhood?

     There are apparently seven values in man. They are
1. Bodily structure
2. Character of personality
3. Advancement of knowledge or intellectual clarity
4. Fame of service
5. Physical strength
6. Physical Health
7. Financial Status.

     All people in the world are different from one another only in these seven values. These are conditioned bu the following sixteen factors :
1. Hearedity
2. Food
3. Historical Age
4. Place of living
5. Education
6. Work
7. Government
8. Art
9. Effort
10. Physical Age
11. Friendship
12. Opportunity
13. Research
14. Practice
15. Accepted sentiments of the society
16. Morality
Heredity  plays a great role in the life of every living being, from one sense plant life to six-sense man. For example, think of a man. How has he come into being? Only from the joining of chromosomes of his parents. In the chromosome all the imprints of structure of the physical body and the characters of both father and mother are latent. In the process of growth of the child in the womb of mother and after birth all such imprints gradually and specifically blossom into physical appearance. Similarly, parents also got the imprints in this way if we go back through the heredity it will pass on millions of generations and end in the first man who started life on the Earth, not only that, our heredity goes further from man to his orgin, crossing millions and millions of generations of different species and ending with one sense, the plant life. From that time up to the present, through all the ages and generations, the imprints of actions and clashes are continuously recorded without missing by the marvellous universal wave system.

Here I have to explain my concept of the universal wave system, for such a phenomenon is mentioned in several places in my writing. The whole universe is of energy particles and space. All appearances are only the significance of associations of energy particles is a whirling of their moments. In relation to space the particle is a whirling wave, being a fraction (broken piece) of the space (Static or Premordial State). By its own inherent force from the primordial state the energy particle emerged with a radiated constantly. Already the space around the particle is greater in power. The spreading wave of the particle clashes and penetrates into the greater force. Static State, and two forces now contrast one another, becoming a resultant force. This is called Universal Magnetism.

The Universal Magnetism is to be visualised as a superstring encompassing the seen universe and all unseen forces. It penetrates and fills in, in everything and make move in order. Devoid of this phenomenon, a super-string universal magnetisk, there will be no universe existing. The joint function or standing force of static state and the force of spreading wave of the particles in the universal magnetism is much wonderful. This can be compared with a mother and her child. Mother gives birth to the child, but the child by its new force plays mischief. Mother happily embraces the child with pure love because, in fact, the child is a fraction of her own self. Mother helps the child to play at its will and grow and enjoy its life. Similarly we have to think of the static standing force as mother and the wave of whirling motion of the particle as child. Mother and child are enjoying a divine love. Such is the universal magnetism. Mother-force absorbs the child-force. Up to a certain extent mother allows the child to play. Whenever the child-force becomes weak, the mother-force is seen predominant because it is ever-existing. This joint wave functions in five ways: clash, reflection, refraction, penetration and interaction. Every action of wave gives an imprint in all energy particles and their associations. Such imprints are going on increasing to condition the character of each and everything. The results of these five functions are conversion of the universal magnetism into the five phenomena : pressure, sound. Light, taste and smell. The degree varies according to the intensity and force of clashes.

One more wonder in the function of the universal wave system is that a wave which starts from the same character from the thing on which it clashes. In this way the universal wave system has all the characteristics of all the things in the universe and precisely supply the suitable required substance to everything. So the universal wave system is the reservoir for all substances, magnetic, electrical, chemical, physical, spiritual, mental and everything of the Universe, signifying precise results for every movement, clash and wilful action.

So in any research on the actions and results of inorganic or organic principles, we should keep in mind these systems of nature :

1) The space, incomparable Static Force
2) The energy particle; whirling motion of static as a broken piece.
3) Universal Magnetism : joint result of spreading wave of the particle and static or standing force, Universal Being.
4) Converted states of universal magnetism into pressure, sound, light, taste and smell. Any pressure comprises of two forces, standing force and moving force. When converted into electricity the sound the light are significant. When converted into chemicals, the taste and smell are significant.
5) The main difference between inorganic matter and organic is the formation of polarity between the cells and bio-magnetism is regularly charged, certain quantity is kept in stock and conversion of magnetism does all physical and mental routines. In man all these secrets are ingrained and followed from generation to generation through the hereditary link.

     Such is the wonder of heredity. As the physical form changes in the living being according to the addition of moving forces or deeds, the character also invisibly is changing according to the addition of mental behaviour and following the physical structure as its inside shadow. So the character is the fourth dimension in all living beings developed from the energy particle up to the present state of any living being. Therefore in man heredity as the first principle in his existence.

     Heridity is the capital for man at birth. Then his physical structure and mental behaviour are being changed appropriately by the other sixteen factors explained above.

     According to the sixteen factors, the seven values are formed in man. Hereditary quality has a deep imprint in the structure and behaviour than can be gradually changed by the other sixteen factors in a few generations of proper planning and living. Those who get the enlightment of consciousness and follow tolerance, adjustment and sacrifice may enjoy the universal brotherwood even among all kinds of differences between men.

Poem No.19 will continue…….

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