Saturday, 14 March 2020



     By natural providence man is blessed with a worthy body and valuable knowledge. The resources for life on earth are surplus, but selfishness and temperamental moods developed by unchecked ego are spoiling the life.

     In fact, the life and knowledge of man are fractional functions of Universe. The physical body is given birth, raised, nurtured, given protection and educated by society. By forgetting the part played by nature and society in his existence man separates himself from others over the possession of wealth, strength, education, power and influence. By such short-sighted conditioning and vanity two psychic attitudes. ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ stands to posses more and more materials and properties. These two psychic channels give birth to six temeperaments : 1) Greed, 2) Anger, 3) Miserliness, 4) Immoral Sexual Passion, 5) Inferiority / Superiority Complex, and 6) Vengeance. Any deed committed by man under these temperaments will result in only pain and miseries to self and others.

     It is a question  in the minds of many intellectuals as to why such ego and its temperaments emerge and give trouble to man.

     Let me explain. Everything in the Universe is the fraction of Totality, the Universal Being. In man the fractional consciousness has the potential to develop to its fullness to get identified with the Totality, Rarely some persons get automatic development of consciousness by a proper way of life. For others who are bound with material attachment someone should induce the consciousness to develop in the right direction. Otherwise the inherent force of consciousness is directed only in excessive attachment to material enjoyment. Thus the natural force of consciousness gets stagnation for lack of proper guidance into two split lines; one towards power and the other towards possession. When a spiritual Master gives the opportunity to the human consciousness to do inner travel and introspection in the proper age, the obstruction is removed and diversion of consciousness rectified to go towards the goal of protection.

     The obstruction, stagnation, and diversion of consciousness in its evolutionary journey have resulted in ego and the six temperamental moods causing all kinds of ruination to humanity, culminating in the danger of atomic weapons. Only a World Federation formed by all countries will be the proper solution for mankind.

Poem No.18 will continue…….

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