Saturday, 16 March 2019

Vethathiriya Philosophy

Purpose of Blessing

        You must understand the simple fact that no one can harm another according to one's whims and fancies. Suffering comes to you under the Law of Cause and Effect and the person who causes the suffering it only an agent of this law. Every one carries with him the imprints of this Karma.

        When a person does some thing wrong, some thing sinful, he has to bear the consequences of those actions according to the Law of Cause and Effect. Nature has to bring out and erase the imprint of sin and thus purify him, The process of purification may some times be achieved by individuals own action that may reflect in pain or suffering.

        At other times the pain or suffering may come through the actions of others. Whatever may be the agency through which the pain comes, you must not forget that the cause is your own action and the suffering you undergo is meant to purify you. If you practice constant awareness and cultivate an introspective approach in your daily life, you will clearly realize this truth.

       The individual who causes pain to you is only an instrument in the hands of Nature. His own Karmas made him do harm to you. He will have to bear the consequences of his action sooner of later. But, that is not your concern. What you must constantly remember is, that nothing in the universe can bring you suffering unless your actions warrant it.

      In your pilgrimage towards perfection all the imprints of sins within you can be erased by your following triple methods of purification, namely, expiation, super imposition and dissolution. If you do not take any steps yourself, Nature will take the responsibility of purifying you.

        During such a process, pain and suffering may come to you either through your own actions or through actions of others. If you understand these principles clearly, you will realize that there is no meaning in hating those who do harm to you. They are only Nature's agents, the instruments and messengers of the Law of Cause and Effect System.

        I know that it is not easy to bless your enemy even though you intellectually understand the Truth behind the explanation given by me. As I have been telling you often, the life on this earth is a struggle between the understanding and habit. The life long habit of reaching violently and with hatred to those who harm you cannot be conquered in a day.

        Constant, practice is necessary. Through meditation you increase your will power to direct the activities of the mind according to your wishes and through introspection your understanding of the working of the Law of Cause and Effect will increase day by day.

        With a well trained mind functioning with clear understanding, you will realize the futility of hatred. Only then, through your personal experience you will understand that by hating those that harm you, the vicious circle of hatred is being strengthened, which can bring more and more misery to yourself and others. A clear grasp of this fact and repeated recording of this truth in your brain cells will help you to eradicate hated from your lives and it will become easy for you to bless your enemies.

      Your blessing should never be mechanical or meaningless repetition of few words. They must come from your heart, from deep within you, from the very core of your being. During meditation you mind is merging with its source, namely the Life force or the Soul and later on the soul gets merged with the Supreme.

       When you come out of mediation, you are in a high mental state and if you bless some one from this elevated state it will be very effective, as your blessings abundantly charged with energy. That is why I want you to bless your enemies also after every mediation.

        If you do this regularly and sincerely, your enemies will become your friends in course of time. The medical men of olden days have written about 'Alchemy' the science of converting base metals into gold. What I am teaching you is also a type of alchemy; for it changes your enemies into friends.

- Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi

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